nice scans....
i like Star Ocean: Till the End of Time the game... ^^
their artbook is great...
thanks for sharing, add fav

Not my scan. I found it on some site earlier, but I forgot to save the link-_- All credit therefore goes to the rightfull owner, whoever that may be.
The scan is from the Star Ocean: Till the End of Time Artbook and shows two of our main chars, Fayt and Sophia. Myself,
I'm about 2/3s through the game, hoping to finish soon. If you're into RPG and own a PS2, you should try it
Anyway, I really like the game's artwork. Wish I were able to get the artbook around here>_<
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shiwei May 12, 2005
melymay May 15, 2005
nice scan. i started playing the game and got stuck on somthing, and just gave up,lol. my cousin kept bothering me about why i give too easily....anyways gerat scan! +fave
S7ATER Aug 27, 2005
Super awesome the sword is very cool, she's cute, and he's cool
rocks Oct 24, 2005
i love this game! very nice scan, even if it isn't yours. =] i like the simple background
Haven100 Jul 10, 2006
Star ocean till the end of time is awsome! I like Sophia, Nel, Clair, and Maria! My most favorite is Maria, but Sophia is cute too! Thanks for sharing this scan!
bebsz Apr 01, 2007
Faty Ai shiteru....I love it..I miss playing this game..!
Arugatoh 4 Sharing..! -
Holyja Dec 14, 2010
Waawaawaa~ Love this game! Nice pic.
Sophia is a cute, busty girl. Lol. I always, always have Fayt pair with Nel, though. Nel is AWESOME.
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