
Anime Wallpaper: Bloody Moonlight

Unidentified Wallpaper
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1600x1200 Wallpaper

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hi hi hi.. XD another wall from me.. this time i've tryed new technique.. XD this is my first textured wall.. >< found this scan few days ago on moeboard.. ** extraxt it was easy.. and i enjoy modified the blood XD btw.. i know its a simple wall.. >< but hope ya like it anyways.. about 4 hour to make it >.< about 30 layers.. well.. now must go out with friends XD comments n fav r really appreciate as always ^^ cya =P

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  1. Tirdaelyn May 08, 2005

    Wow, that is really cool. You did a good job. I like the colors, they are bold, and stand out, but not overly so. The background is very cool. It has an overall sinister feel to it. Great job. :D

  2. Kiako May 08, 2005

    great wallpaper,
    i like the colors you have used, they go well with the charas hair.
    keep it up

  3. chisana May 08, 2005

    Woow!!! It looks great!! Especially the bg ^^ Amazing! <3 And... 4 hours? I've been making a wallie since Friday... and it's still not ready yet O_o I think I'll go back and finish it ^_^' So, great wallie! Nice job, keep it up!! ;)

  4. Cadi May 08, 2005

    red bloody wallie, how cool...XD the bg is awsome the moon and the trees works really well! the sky is cool also, with the different blend of texture. great job! and fav!

  5. chibikko May 08, 2005

    The scan is surely awesome. I know what kinda wallpapers you're making so I won't complain about stock photos being used. The texture is a little bit off in this wallpaper because I think that vector images are the best ones for texture. What I like very much is the perspective.

  6. Sandra May 08, 2005

    Samanosuke , stop doing this amazing walls ! :P Take a break ! <lol> Just kidding : Well next great job from ya ! And it's gonna be gighlited - I know it ! Fav+

  7. Hix May 08, 2005

    great wallpaper
    I like your bg : ) more wall from you like this
    +fav :)
    see ya

  8. crewcifix May 08, 2005

    pretty good! :)
    like the nice background and the cool tree samples.
    pretty cool. :)

  9. shiwei May 08, 2005

    wow... sure is a red bloody walls... ^^
    background is cool, nice works... *thumb up*
    it seems simple to u, but not me XD, cuz i dunno how to make >.<
    well, keep it up, add fav

  10. skygirl May 08, 2005

    very good wall work i see here the dark bg looks very good i love it and add to my fav XD

  11. Raiyne May 08, 2005

    A blood red wall. Very nice indeed. The background suits the character well.
    Keep up the good work. :)

  12. ZKyoy May 08, 2005

    oh wow, i love these kind of themed wallpapers!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

  13. zanmato May 08, 2005

    what's a cool wall : every detail is great o_0

    i add to my fav

  14. Sugasuga May 08, 2005

    wow, im luving this one <3 especially the bloody red sky, majorly kool o.o and kool scan too. im gonna fav this one cuz u did a great job and i <3 bloody walls X3

  15. Aa-chan May 08, 2005

    Love the red and the character looks excellent. Nice work on the background :) .


  16. Shadowlinex May 08, 2005

    Awsome as always sama keep them coming :D THink your the best wallpaper maker here! +fav

  17. UndyingShadow May 08, 2005

    wow this is an awesome wall Samanosuke! I like your choice of red for the bg, it lets the scan stand out a bit more. good job!

  18. Kitaan Retired Moderator May 08, 2005

    hmmm ok I like the girl she's very cute and perfect for the bg cause it's red the trees are very nice and I like the stars the extraction is very good as well ^_^ the blood under her and the moon looks like a grunge style but anyway it's great ^_^

  19. faiz138 May 08, 2005

    very nice wallie you made there .. you realy doe well with your new technique.
    i like it alot .. keep up ;)

  20. ShiNN May 08, 2005

    well it surely looks different from the usual wallpaper that I am used to see from you, that's for sure. I would say that this is at least the most interesting of the ones that you have submitted recently, concept-wise speaking. There are a few things that I don't like though: first off the trees, I know that there aren't many tree brushes, but this is probably the 500th time that I see the same tree brush used... being repetitive doesn't help at all. I recommend you to get yourself a few stock photos of trees, desaturate them and turn them into brushes, at least you won't get that "deja-vu" effect that I just get when I look at this wallpaper. An other thing that I don't like is the text arrangement, you could have worked it better, it's too "in your face" and raw-like although the whole style of the wallpaper is pretty raw itself. The textures are like being overused these days, in this case you kind applied them without appearently tweaking them that much, or prolly you simply chose a kind of etxture that I think doesn't fit the wallpaper that well =/, but it's neither bad-looking, so I guess I can step over it, lol. So, overall speaking, this wall not that bad, and it's at least interesting (and you know what is my general opinion about you, rofl), I just hope you will keep doing stuff like this rather than going trendwh0re like I've seen often from you in the past.

  21. Idril May 08, 2005

    really lovely and soooo evil!! blood everywhere!! sugooiiii!!
    You have amazing ideas!!
    Keep it up!!

  22. Lilim May 08, 2005

    I've seen this scan on Moeboard and I have to say that you've done a great job :D

    For me it's FAV :nya:

  23. melymay May 08, 2005

    i thought the girl in ur wall didn't have a face until i downloaded it, lol. i like the title of ur wall, 'Bloody Moonlight'...it caught my attention. anyways great job! +fave

  24. KorganoS May 08, 2005

    Hmmm this is really something from you, Sama :)
    i think it's most interesting because you're trying a new style and it looks great... very interesting (nice perspective there)
    The texturing is also nice, but I don't quite favored the trees... they should be in an out-of-focus condition (which is, a bit blurred or applied some distortion..) and they do look similar to your other walls (you overused them)...
    and the moon.. well.. to be blunt, looks awful... you can make better moon than that, I believe...
    overall.. it's a really nice wall.... although it's, well, red, lol...

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