
To Heart 2 Wallpaper: Swept Away

AQUAPLUS, To Heart 2, Lucy Maria Misora Wallpaper
AQUAPLUS Studio To Heart 2 Series,Visual Novel Lucy Maria Misora Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

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  1. CyanideBlizzard Retired Moderator May 07, 2005

    =O Nothing to say?
    Well, if you've got nothing to say, I'll make up for that then XD.

    Alrighty, first off let me start off by saying this is a very intersting background for the scan used. Not saying thats bad, I think its rather different and I personally like it, a lot. The background is, in my opinion, nicely done and I love the grunge feel to it. Kinda reminds me of Meteor from Final Fantasy VII, but anyways I think its rather interesting the way you've designed the background. A unique combination of effects that sorta gives this "Whoa, whats happening" type feel, since you really have no idea what is going on. Of course, me being myself I like something like that and I think its a interesting concept for a bg. Though as random as it seems, I have to say that I do love the look of the bg overall.

    The scan, well I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't shocked that such a character existed in the series. I have to say that I wouldn't of even imagined seeing her for this type of background, but she works for it. The pose is very fitting and the scan looks beautiful (once again, my opinion) with the effects given to her. I dunno, for some reason I just think she fits VERY nicely into the background.

    Overall, got a lot of random, but I think it looks very nice and I'm setting this bg to my current desktop. Despite not knowing what exactly is happening, I can understand enough to say that I really like what you've done here and that its a favorite for me.

  2. Auralis May 07, 2005

    Lots of grunge-ish wallpapers lately. There should be some cleaning in the wallpaper. ;___; But this wallpaper is awesome. ^_^V

  3. Idril May 07, 2005

    nice wall!! background id good but the scan should be cleaning... but your idea is great!!
    gonna add on my favs!

  4. harakiri May 07, 2005

    That's cool, Tru-chan. It looks like fire and ice coming together - heat and cold, flames and cristals. Very intense colours.

  5. anji May 07, 2005

    I think this is your most interesting wallpaper.
    Sad you have nothing to say about it -_-
    First I really like the pose of the caracter, but yes the scan needs a bit of cleaning.
    Colors are very flashy and contrasted, normally I like more monochrome wallpaper, but I think it really works here and I like it.
    I like this kind of abstract background, pretty original.
    Keep it up tru-chan , add to my fav :)

  6. rayearth May 08, 2005

    umm...the girl image might need a bit cleaning and the below left black color is too...dark(?) , besides from those minor thing it's a very good wallies, I like the abstract? bg and how the colour match the image person (the bright and the dark part which is at above and below match the girl image too, altough the line between her socks and skirts seems to fade away). Keep up the good work :)

  7. ebradford May 08, 2005

    Wow!~ This is amazing!! I love the background and I think the girl blends well with it. Keep up the good work! ^_^

  8. zaira May 08, 2005

    wow! awesome bg!! me like the scan too! though the red part looks weird hehe anyways cool wall! XD +fav!

  9. 4n991 May 09, 2005

    this is superb, great job...you should proud!! lov it ^________^

  10. Haia May 10, 2005

    Woah! Interesting concept you did here...........although I kinda don't get what it is. The background is just awesome!!! Grungy to the max!!! The scan you used is also very beautiful!!! Thankie for sharing such a wonderful wallpaper with us!!! Keep up the great work!!!! +favie Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~

  11. ryee Jan 31, 2006

    i really like this one. it's different, but nice.

  12. Celtic-Wolf May 31, 2006

    I like the colors and how the character seems to look as though she's about to blow away! I like how you put the colors green and yellow into clashing with the red and orange colors, it really puts a sort of energy into it.

  13. blacklistgenesis Jun 13, 2008

    Colorful Wally! A fav+ for sure!

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