Ooooh, I like the grunge, and I like the brown, and I like the character and I like the look of my new desktop wallie! XD
"Where am i now....?? Its been like yesterday since i left home..."
~ Dedicated to Tama-Neko ~
BOP! Hey People its me again and from the news you have heard i was made one of the esteemed Gallery directors of MT and i woke up this morning and said im going to make this wall....Kudos for Tama-neko for the Lovely scan of Kino! At first i didnt know what to make, tried making a scenic wall but that didnt turn out great and a lighty grunge mix but it didnt fit at all so i searched for some pictures of italy and found some of them and decisded to make a Nostalgic/Journey/grunge typed wally. Lots of new brushes and whatnot put into here and lots of gaussian, duplication and experimetation layers here and there.
Dont make so much a fuss with the green patches on Kino thats what makes her stand out and be dynamic among all the rest of the background so just giving you a heads up!
And all in all theres like 66 layers and 3 1/2 hours of work put into this...
Hope you like it! ^_____^*
More resolutions coming up in Imanimetions so check it out soon...! XD
Personal intent:
Really i just wanted to express my attachment to existance and that my life is too complex for me to even understand
because for some reason im starting to doubt my existance as a person. Is it wrong to hate ones own destiny, fate or
time spent in this life? Ive always wanted to know if there were people who feel de-attached from the world, like they
dont belong where they should be but as if they were needed for some higher purpose. All my life ive always wanted to be
like people in general but for me i myself have become a hermit of sorts, observing the people i love, care, less like
and care less about......and im starting to HATE it, oh yes go out and do something about it! get more attention why
dont ya! No thats not me, i get attention when i make it so and not by some spontaneous action that comes out somewhat
randomly but i do it by heart.
People should go out and journey around the world...Heck ive been places like Singapore, United Arab Emirates, England, Phillipines and now im in many places to go but its just financially that i have trouble doing so. Just get off your butt once in a while and walk dammit! dont waste away in your box but live out of it and make something of it! My journey extends even after death has rid my flesh away but my unconcious is all moving.....May my dreams, aspirations, wishes and loves of my life reach back to me cos now i dont belong i long for an embrace through the hardship and challenges of life. May i find the thing i am looking for.....
Browse Kino no Tabi Gallery: Recent | Popular.
Ooooh, I like the grunge, and I like the brown, and I like the character and I like the look of my new desktop wallie! XD
bop?? ... Since when are you a b.o.p. member ??? <grin>
Texture and coloring is as usual excelent !!
(you think too much :P )
excellent work as always...not much to say.
quality and tecnique is simply amazing...but not ur best XD
Amazing work i like it a lot the background is great and i like the characters position the color is cool also thanks for sharing :)
Looks awesome OA @_@
I love the bg!! cuz it is not a cliche.... ^_^' and the idea and composition are amazing!!! and the bg fits perfectly to the scan!! really excellent work! +fav ^^
i like it XD
i love the antique feel of the BG
good use of texture OA :D
i think for me the only thing that i see that can be altered is kino
maybe make her a bit darker? but all in all fab job :D "never" run out of ideas!! Impressive wall as usual!...I just noticed, I have faved almost all of your walls...XD...
You know what!?...I could relate to all those things you were saying....although I'm not as good as you in expresing it in words.......can't believe there's someone that thinks the same!.....
This is good but I'm not a fan of the overlaying of the pictures. I can barely make them out; Is that what
you've wanted?
Background color is nice. Good good.
oh wow! o_o i like the pictures by him...they look real or somethin.excellent! XD
Everything about this wallpaper is great OracleAngel :) I'm sure Tama-neko will really like it! Anyways, keep up the good work !
The combination of brushes, grunge and photos is very original and makes for a very pretty whole. And evreything matches the picture you used.
woow! you must have unlimited ideas! The textured grunge BG, and those photos looks cool and Kino looks great as well. All thouse layers bring you a great made wall! Love it! Great job as usual but you knew that already, right? XD
really like the simple grungey effect. the photos are wonderfully merged with the bg. overall wall is very nice. good work ^^
dam oracle, everytime you come out wiht a new wall, it makes me watn to wall again...but i think ive lost it man....dunno what to do. great job man, cya around
Nice wall, good theme you put together, the background grunge is interesting but doesnt draw your attention too far away from the scan, excellent.
woah Oracle, its been a while since your last wall! you did an awesome job with this kino no tabi wall, i like the design and the texture you used, its very unique. good job!
u get a freakin 20000 from me... screw 10. Course all ur stuff is just freakin AWESOME....
But i don't have to tell u that... u already no ... don't u... -_-`???
wow, nice texture, the grunge king strikes again, the detail is awesome, and your theme and the layout match perfectly with each other, it is illegal be that creative ;) great job orcale. :)
Oh. I like the bakcground of this wallpaper!! Great Job. The way you did the background is like, amazing!! XD
ooooooooooooooooh :o
i like it a lot. the colors are what really make it though. it's like...this dark ugly world thats really quite
beautiful. i sound like a bible or something lol.
the textures are awesome. overal i love it. i don't really have any complaints that i can think of. just
I love kino no tabi walls.. and this one's no exception. I'm sure tama will love it! The brown tones look so soft and nice, plus the textures and text fit perfectly
Another high-grade wallie from you :)
Great grunge wallpaper from you, Oracle.
I like the contrast and overlaying photos.
This is good. +Fav.
soooo cool!! me like the grungyness of the wall!!
the colors are totally awesome and also the scan fits everything!
+fav! XD
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