
Ragnarok Online Wallpaper: Wings of Death

Ragnarok Online, Assassin (Ragnarok Online) Wallpaper

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

i hab submitted this wallpaper b4 but MT has deleted it because "Minitokyo did not have a chance of fully completing the creation of your submission" so that really sux...... sorry 4 those who had made it as a fav ><....................neways this wallpaper ish my 1st tym making the wings so hope u guys lik it................also i kno there are writings aroubt the guy and i didn't want 2 remove it becoz i wanted the information about him left there so pplz will kno...................also thanxies 4 the scan whoeva shared it here at MT

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  1. Aa-chan May 05, 2005

    I love the scan of this character and the background looks nice. Not sure if it's meant to be, but it kinda looks as if he has wings. Nice work.

  2. ryannzha May 05, 2005

    Just wanna say .. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y136/Ryannzha/jawdrop.gif
    great!! ..*sigh* u hav passed my humble skill!! (ofcourse!)

  3. CrapBag May 05, 2005

    i really like da pic of the guy :) and i bet you mustve gotten many favs.

  4. RieRen May 05, 2005

    Nice wallie lilm. the backgroud nice Thanks for posting^^ +favs

  5. Paolo May 05, 2005

    RO eh? looks cool. haven't played it in a while....

  6. knightstar3 May 05, 2005

    i really like the cool scan! ^ - ^
    i already downloaded it the first time you submitted! =)
    glad that it's back ^ - ^

  7. kai81220 May 05, 2005

    nice dramatic effect. scan staring right out of the comp screen XD for some reason, i feel the extraction lines around him are a bit off but that could just be my screen. nice job lilm

  8. Dray May 05, 2005

    Woooow o_O too much beautiful the wall, Lilm it is really manific ton wall, I love much the character XD

  9. fukushuusha May 05, 2005

    very nice and interesting wall..I never think about kakashi on a pink background XD
    but this is great...really nice job

  10. Cadi May 06, 2005

    Is so awsome! Love the bg effect! Its so nice! The pink red and purple works really well! Awsome job!

  11. Tatsuya May 06, 2005

    nice background, but just like ppl say, the extraction need to fix, good job otherwise

  12. LucyXlostangelwings May 06, 2005

    First time making wings? Whao! Then you've really done a good work! I like this scan very much and combined with that background you made, it looks great and enhances a mysterious mood. Fantastic wall! *adds to favs* ;)

  13. tecnophreak May 06, 2005

    i must say you have done an awesome job on this wall. #1, i know the scan isnt that big, so you did a great job re-cging it; 2, prefect text placement and font chosen; 3, the wings are great also! i like the transparency! the focus is clearly stated in the design, and the only thing i can see to improve is a bit more detail in the BG and the text is kinda hard to read other than taht, awesome! 10/10

  14. jingjing1208 May 06, 2005

    The bg is so cool!!^_^ Hehe,when I see this guy I think he was Kakashi,but see carefully,hehe,not Kakashi!^_^' But this is a nice work!^_^ +fav!

  15. kain11 May 06, 2005

    this is soooooo cool and the background is sp badasssssssss
    and the scan is really cooool sooooo thx for sharing
    *addsss to fav* :)

  16. ever-ruler May 06, 2005

    Wow, cool wallpaper! The abstract background is cool. Keep up the good work.

  17. calisqo May 06, 2005

    nice bg >.< the color is awesome.
    Not sure about teh wings xd
    i feel it's a bit too small for him >.< but overall look on it looks fine, congrats on your first tie ^_^ making it .
    it's alright , since it doesn't change the fact this wall has nice bg.
    I like the effect of the color in this one.
    My fav about this wall has to be the bg *_* just awesome XD
    awesome work

  18. Frosty May 07, 2005

    not bad, not bad at all. ^^
    you did an outstanding job on thatback ground to make that wing match with the image.
    stupendous work. ;)
    *9.65 and Grade AA* for a great effort.

  19. cerena May 09, 2005

    WOW, great effect here ^^ i like it, lil, it is good n the chara also cool. +fav

  20. Skillzpay May 10, 2005

    oooh look at all those cool effects!
    You did a nice job with those wings, not quite sure if they go well with the character but they still look good. Nice work!

  21. azurewind May 10, 2005

    who couldn't think this guy is awesome? :) B)

    Ro is awesome and the 'sin' is just the pinacle of coolness here, bg looks totally sweet and the quality is ship-shape to me^^

  22. Evanrued May 12, 2005

    Still excellent as the first time I saw it! You know I love it! And I'll fav it over and over!

  23. kyosukeimao May 17, 2005

    that me /gg you can't beat me boi

    feel my katar /gg

  24. silentknife May 21, 2005

    awesome wall that is great. loveing the little dark wings of evil ^^. greatly one of my fav as well. ^^


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