
Inuyasha: InuKyouDai

Rumiko Takahashi, Inuyasha, Inuyasha (Character), Sesshoumaru, Rin (Inuyasha)
Rumiko Takahashi Mangaka Inuyasha Series Inuyasha (Character) Character Sesshoumaru Character Rin (Inuyasha) Character


Artist Comment

1st time doing fan art in my drawin life! HAHHAHAHA...unbelievable isn't it...my style an't much of a fan art...i just do things outta no where.....i can't copy straight off pictures coz it looks wonked...and after that i go cross eyed....XD:D

***just a imagination sketch outta the blue of inuyasha..and his brO....Lolz...
so random..:P Using Ms Paint...
damn i love that program LOL

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  1. Nitengouki May 04, 2005

    Very nice but I think Inu Yasha has been too 'girlified' a bit XP

  2. omigoshi May 04, 2005

    Lol i know.....this is my 1st fan art i did...i normally create image outta the blue...but i guess its kinda a mixture.....based on character and imagining poses...LOL
    i'm not very good at copy things so..yeah

  3. Kiako May 04, 2005

    nice drawing, i like the way you shaded it
    i like the chibi-chara in the corner.

  4. Sakura0chan May 04, 2005

    WoW!! XD Very nice drawing. And you drew it with MS Paint? Very awesome!! XD
    Keep up the good work! This must be added to my favorites. :D

  5. oshirotofu May 05, 2005

    hey man.....thats cool!!! il ike the hiragana nad kanji with the sketch....it really goes!!

  6. lunar-angel May 10, 2005

    is that really your 1st fan drawing? *daze* wow you're really good. Can I add you to my friends list?

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