
Mabinogi Wallpaper: Tranqulity

Mabinogi, Morrighan Wallpaper
Mabinogi Game Morrighan Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

...lets see...
this wall was started ALONG time ago...
the extracton is my usual bad self...
and yes...give me a pat on the shoulder for not useing moons...*for the bg*

the scan is really messed...it's quility is scary...and man there were words all over that girl's hair i tell you... so i had to redo all the stupid hair

the wall took about:
4hours...over about 4 weeks...
78 layers...most of them hair...

www.ever-falling.net is no on #13 on DNW please vote for it! it's are soooo falling behind!


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  1. MS0B9 Apr 30, 2005

    It's so pertty! I love this angel. Adding to favs!

  2. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Apr 30, 2005

    Nice idea,but,first of all the scan is a little blurry,also the blue daylight sky dont fit with the "darkness" of the character,maybe a dusk type of sky will fit better.

    In overall is a nice wall,a really good scan,but you have to work a more on it(for example with the scan,cause is the main part),i really like the wings,and thanx to them you can add a lot of details to the wall(for example feathers or things like that).

  3. melymay Apr 30, 2005

    even though it has black wings, pretty angel! the birds (they look like seagulls, lol) and the clouds (or fog, i dunno) thats surrounding the angel are very nice...anyways great job!+fave

  4. SilentMasamune May 01, 2005

    The scan does seem blurry and a bit grainy. In order for the scan to come out better, you can duplicate the scan layer and set the new layer to soft light, along with using a smart blur with a radius of 3.0, a threshold of 25.0, and medium ro high quality. If you do not see improvement, you can vector the scan. I hope this helps. The wallpaper is good.

  5. kai81220 May 01, 2005

    wow sukie! wall is very nice ^^ scan quality is a bit off though but the atmosphere of the whole thing is wonderful. nice work!

  6. shiwei May 01, 2005

    great wallpaper..
    background is good, the clouds is nice...
    i like the wings very much, she pretty, and her hair sure is long ^^"
    keep it up, a fav from me

  7. zaira May 01, 2005

    this wall is nice!! me like the scan!! nice wings too! the bg is great!! nice misty stuffs!!+fav! XD

  8. halcyonTwilight May 02, 2005

    Awesome work on the scan...its impossible to tell that there was text at all ^^ The blurriness is a little distracting, but the wall still look great. As melmachine said, this would make a awesome vector. Do you have the source of the orginal scan or the scan itself by any chance? Anyways, great work ^__^

  9. Ayamael May 02, 2005

    OMG this scan is so beautiful... too bad it looks a little blurry T_T erm, for the sky, it looks nice, but i do think a darker bg would have suited her a little better... sunset maybe... and black feathers would have been cool ^^ oh well, the wall looks cool anyways, keep it up!

  10. Faraday May 02, 2005

    OMG! Awsome! I love this wallpaper! This is so going to be one of my favorites! ^___________^

  11. DarkEVO May 02, 2005

    Great job on this wallpaper, sukie.
    I like the simplicity of this wallpaper.
    Good work on it. +Fav.

  12. Schyler May 02, 2005

    Character designs from Mabinogi are quite good, specially when they're made to wallpapers by Sukie and the other MTers! Love ur work Sukie! XD

  13. Ying May 02, 2005

    She's beautiful!!!! XD
    Its a nice wallpaper but I think the background's a little to white and her dress it white which makes her stand out less but maybe that's what you wanted?

  14. RainHybrid May 03, 2005

    i always love angel pics and the bg clouds are a cool change
    i really like it!

  15. foxzero May 03, 2005

    wow that looks awesome i like angels pis anyways i will give this a 9.5 out of 10 so great work and please keep them coming

  16. itsDchlorine May 04, 2005

    Hey, ^^ I love this wall you made it has a nice setting, and everytime i look at its like i love it even more than the last, nice choice of scan, if it doesnt bother u can u tell me when u got the scan? plz lol thanx if u can if u dont want to its all good.

  17. YugureKaze May 04, 2005

    the scan looks cool
    the bg looks great also
    black wings look so awesome @_@
    wonderful work!

  18. heavens-Dragon May 06, 2005

    Wowies! Very pretty angel! Simple but beautiful wallpaper! I like the birds, they add a very nice touch! Awesome work, keep it up!

  19. uglyduckling07 May 07, 2005

    wow this is one of the prettiest walls I've seen! The girl looks amazing and her long hair looks very beautiful!! I love this wall very much! +favs ^_^

  20. WindAlchemist May 09, 2005

    wow, i love the character she's so beautiful! i love this wall, good job!

  21. nad21 May 10, 2005

    A really well made wallpaper. I like the style. So I had to add this to my favourites! :)

  22. moonstaru May 23, 2005

    Beautiful wallpaper!!!!!!
    I love her wing!!!!!
    The bg looks great!!!!!
    Thanks for sharing!!!!!+FAV!!!!!

  23. accado Jun 08, 2005

    it is an angel........it has dark, big wings......it has a bright background....what else does it nees, to be perfect....the sweetest expression of them all....

  24. CarlK2008 Restricted Member Jun 22, 2005

    She looks very intimate in this!

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