strange for my personal taste.. @_@ mmm... yeah, it's so strange!!! :D

1024x768 Wallpaper
Artist Comment
Ah! >.< This wallpaper does not look good. Oh, well, my first wallpaper anyways. Basically just an abstract background, a brush, and several images from Spiral. The images are found at Aethereality (including the brush) and at Rabellu Designs. Any constructive criticism on how to approve? There are still many things that I have missed out that I should probably put on it. >.<
More Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning Wallpapers
Browse Spiral: The Bonds of Reasoning Gallery: Recent | Popular.
irix Apr 30, 2005
VagrantDreamer Apr 30, 2005
hey great job on ur first wall! the character scans are nice, and the monochromatic color scheme goes well with them, umm the filters are a bit dull, but its no biggie as i'm more of a brush person than a filter person ... well its an overall good wall! keep up the good work and thanks for sharing! see you around ...
Holt Apr 30, 2005
Great job on a first wall. Personally, I think it could use more colour but that's just my opinion.
Quite a nice background too but maybe some more variation.
Great start! Keep it up! ^^ -
ever-ruler Apr 30, 2005
Pretty good for your first wallpaper. The background is pretty good and I like the monochromatic color. Keep up the good work!
sukie Apr 30, 2005
this is nice...
kai81220 May 01, 2005
your first wall! i was wondering when youd submit something >.< i like the way the scans are blended together, looks great! good work hope to see some more walls!
DaHero69 May 01, 2005
great job on your first wallie darkangel. THe wallie is very unique and it seems to catch my eye. hehe. well hope to see more from u. take cares and once again great job. :)
Auralis May 02, 2005
Interesting style. Its very nice for a first wallpaper I guess. O_o Its Spiral~!
chibi-lizard May 03, 2005
~hee~ nice one for your first try :D
the blending of the scans ish very nice :)
but lizzie would prefer if it had a lil color.. make it a light would do.
abstract ? lizzie thought this was more to grunge >.<
anyway .. keep it up :) -
Radeonator May 05, 2005
hmm.... not really strange after all, it's just the background are not too colorful at all.
still... it's full of your feeling's , maybe? hmm? :) -
Liz May 15, 2005
Love the colors and the effects used here, the characters are really cool and the wallpaper looks amazing its very beautiful great work
kurokaze May 18, 2005
That wallpaper is great, it remember me one game which i play few days ago hmm... ^.^
really good job, and i hope you make more ^.^ -
sumisyo May 27, 2005
I absolutly love your gallery! I to am a fan of Spiral. I hope I am not being to forward but would you consider being my friend?
iwa-c May 31, 2009
oh! monochrome... original...
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