
s-CRY-ed Wallpaper: Sacrifice

Hisashi Hirai, Sunrise (Studio), s-CRY-ed, Scheris Adjani Wallpaper
Hisashi Hirai Mangaka Sunrise (Studio) Studio s-CRY-ed Series Scheris Adjani Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

I always liked Sherrice from Scryed and when I watched the episode where she died, I felt that it was truly a tragic moment in anime. Consequently, when I found these images later I just had to make a background out of it. It took about 6-7 hours but it was a lot of fun and I learned a few new techniques along the way. Once again, everything in the image except the two pictures of Sherrice is my doing. Hope y'all like it!


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  1. tishdon May 15, 2005

    I've always liked this picture, and I agree with you, Sherrice's death was one of the most tragic and touching of the series. The front picture of Sherrice is a little blurry but is not to obvious and doesn't detract from the wall. Nice BG effects and the time you spent on it was well worth it. You should feel proud of this wall its definitely one of the better ones I've seen for this series- especially because it doesn't feature Kazuma, not that theres anything wrong with Kazuma.

  2. Blaze016 Jul 25, 2005

    Hey wait a minute, Scheris died. when, where, HOW, WHY. Great picture through. Now let me get back to my mourning.

  3. KassandraBlair Aug 18, 2005

    nice wall!! and great pictures n_n keep it my friend n_n!!!!!!!!!

  4. S7ATER Aug 27, 2005

    hott pic, but the background is absolutely stunning

  5. soc Sep 24, 2005

    an astounding background, excellent blend of bluish and greenish, great for someone like scheris!

  6. Dragonguy Nov 13, 2005

    What can I say, a 10/10. Very nicely done.

  7. Sable Dec 29, 2005

    nothin' much to say: NICE :D

  8. marcosmos Mute Member Jan 07, 2010

    se gradece el aporte exito en su vida.

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