i wanna have a sensei like onizuka, he is the best
cya cya cya cya cya cya
This is my first anime good wall
gto to does who dont see the anime is the funniest manga ever
i dont want to talk to much so do what you want here
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i wanna have a sensei like onizuka, he is the best
cya cya cya cya cya cya
Quote by evilkokei wanna have a sensei like onizuka, he ir the best
cya cya cya cya cya cya
yes onizuka rules!!!!
thanks for the post
Zetzer, nice little one mate but I sfeel the font could have been different?
And you should try to center the character's cut a bit more in the center of that thing or is it what you wanted?
Other than that simple and nice nonetheless. Get more in!
Quote by DMNYZetzer, nice little one mate but I sfeel the font could have been
And you should try to center the character's cut a bit more in the
center of that thing or is it what you wanted? Other than that simple
and nice nonetheless. Get more in!
man i tried to center but onizuka pic finish in the pants thats why i did it that way
and thanks for the post man!!
c ya later
I think it's very cool! OX
Well done! :D
I'll see you around! :)
Bros.. that one is toop cool!!!! hehehehe nice to meet you too!!!
nice to meet you...........only guess my name......
original efecto......como diria MC Hammer en los simpsons..."Bien , Chamaco"
thank you people
i cant answer to all but thanks
(i´m hide from my boss to connect here)
thank you all again
Cool one Zetzer.
The color are very peacefull.
Cold blue like the ice brrrr!!! loll.
I like it.
quite funny actually, besides.... you really need's a lot more font, you can download helluva lot's of font HERE
I can't say it's really masterpieces...but it worth your efforts. :)
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