
Tales of Symphonia Wallpaper: Celsius - Sprit of snow

Namco, Tales of Symphonia, Celsius Wallpaper
Namco Studio Tales of Symphonia Series,OVA,Game Celsius Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Just random love to the game i like the most so far on game cube ^^

not really my best work but good if i consider it was done at 2 am....

time: 3 hours since the picture was already background less since i already use it on my lookup.

I think it's pretty funny to do a winter wallpaper since spring is here already... oh well =_=

EDIT: I realise that their was a part of the scan that i didn't remove... oh well it wasn't really oblivious...

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  1. kain11 Apr 25, 2005

    its very very nice and cool its a bid fav hahahahahahahahahahhaha

  2. bbls Apr 25, 2005

    very pretty wall...it really conveys an icy, wintry feel! the scan looks great, and i luv how she's just free falling... :)

  3. Wulf Apr 25, 2005

    The game is great and so is this wall. Character looks great and the BG is used to great effect.
    Beautiful Work.

  4. Acuni Apr 25, 2005

    nice nice i like the background and the chara on it looks rely nice the pose is something special and i hope to see more +fav+

  5. sylvacoer Apr 25, 2005

    Ha, I don't play video games, but this is a truly dynamic wall. Almost makes me wish I owned a playstation (that's what they're called, right? ^_^' )

  6. jayk25 Aug 01, 2005

    nice use of the snow flakes, gives it that cold kinda feel you'de accociate with the character

  7. darkmasterkelevendros Oct 23, 2007

    Woow ! So Freezing COOLL !
    I Just Love It

  8. KnightLuna22 May 14, 2009

    Sigh... They always use "that" pose of her...

    But overall, I love it! I love how the background matches her skin while the subject still remains visible despite the matching colors.

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