hmm. not bad. looks pretty cool. haven't seen the series tho. great job Myr ^^
Artist Comment
Well since Eyes seems to get all the love on here, I thought it was high time someone made more Kanone walls! Geez this is my first Spiral wall in a loooong time. @_@ So I wanted to do some sort of space/cloud background. Originally it was going to to have a sort of bright sunny background but then I accidently made it black and I liked it that way so I kept it. Actually it fits Kanone well since on the surface he may seem bright and cheerful but underneath he can be very calculating and manipulative. Plus with him holding that knife I think a sunny cheerful background would look strange. -_-
The planets and birdies are resources from deviant art. I'll add the links to the pages once I can find them again. ^_^;; The clouds are made from stock photos. Oh yeah anyone recognize the wings? XD Those are DNAngel wings, but they fit Kanone pretty good don't they?
Hehe, chibi-lizzard please don't hurt me for working on this wall instead of the Yasuaki wall. ^_^; XD
Edit: Took out some of the birds (since a lot of people were complaining about them). Changed the clouds and stars around a bit to get more contrast in the background. And I tried to fix the scan quality as well as color change the wings a bit to match his coat better. Hopefully everyone will like it better now. :D
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Paolo Apr 24, 2005
ayanechan Apr 24, 2005
love the soft colours of it... :3 *aya-chan plays among the clouds* he's holding a pen knife with all those doves flying behind him!? o.O lol great job *jumps around*
Shinobu13 Banned Member Apr 24, 2005
oh very nice, if i don't make a mistake the wings comes from a scan of d.n.a, good choice :),very nice bg too
keep it up ;) -
Leena Apr 24, 2005
not bad. the picture is good. th background is great. keep it up.
Kazuya-chan Apr 24, 2005
That background is so cool ,that scan very nice , thanks for submit it ........
dans Apr 24, 2005
the color and the bg looks good. o_0 it's a DNAngel wings ? nice touch. :D
keep up the good work. -
CoolBlueX Apr 24, 2005
hmm...i can kinda tell the wings where like from somewhere else because of the different style but they still look good on him ^^
the planets, night sky and birds look real cool too
fits him very well
great to see a non-eyes wall XD -
Susan-chan Apr 24, 2005
i have to agree with CoolBlueX...the wings look a bit rstrange:) but il iek the other effects:)
Yina Apr 24, 2005
Bishounen!! >___< Gotta catch'em all.. yeah!! X__X This one is so beautiful!! I love the bg.. it fits perfectly to the boy.. and the font is great as well!! waii... excellent work +fav ^^
Kiako Apr 24, 2005
the wall looks realy nice,
i like the background, the whole whiteness goes well eith the charas clothes and wings^^ -
zaira Apr 24, 2005
me really like that anime!! the scan is nice!!! the bg is awesome too!! me like alos the colors!! +fav! domo!
ttwen Apr 24, 2005
wow, this is so cool!!! nice work really... i like it very very much :) goes to my favs
Asahi Apr 24, 2005
i dont like the birds in it... imo they arnt so 'clean' the rest of your work is very nice ! like the boy and the heaven !
Sugasuga Apr 24, 2005
wow, kool clouds and space background and weeee, a bishi <3 and ya, i agree with Asahi, i dun think da birds belong there, theres a bit too much and birds in space? XD lol, but great work, +favvie
Sakura0chan Apr 24, 2005
WoW!!! XD It's Kanone Hilbert!! My favorite chara in Spiral!! XD
Thank you so much for this wallpaper. It's so nice!! :D
The wings really suit on Kanone. ^___^ The background is so pretty!
Keep up the good work! *Adds to favorites* -
shyxsakura Retired Moderator Apr 24, 2005
the bg roccckkkkks~!!!
it looks so awesome and heavenllyy .. xD
the only thing saki finds bad .. >.< ish the quality of the scan ....
the quality doesnt match the bg .... since the scan looks all grainy ..^-^ butbutbut~ great jobb!
sukie Apr 24, 2005
did you make thewings????
they are soooooo good!!!!!!!!!
i'm faving this one!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
anji Apr 24, 2005
I think everything match well overall.
The wings and the scan are well incorporated.
I like the birds.
One thing I would like to see is more texture in the clouds, they seem a little bit flat.
Overall it's a pretty wall... Thanks for sharing :) -
maho-ho Apr 24, 2005
Really very good for wallpaper, he pleases to much the bottom to me, and the winged personage sees itself very beautiful! OX
Thanks to share this beautiful work! ;) -
DeathD13 Apr 25, 2005
Beautiful wallpaper!! Love the detail of the background, and the wings really look natural part of the character... well planned, well done! :)
Kuzoku Apr 25, 2005
Oooh really nice wallpaper ^_^* I love the wings too they look great - looking forward to seeing some more of your work!
Tatsuya Apr 25, 2005
really nice background, the wings is suit with character well. good job at all
anyways, thank for sharing -
amy Apr 25, 2005
Very nice job on the whole wallpaper. *loves wings*
The wings are a wonderful touch to the whole of the wall. The coloring is angelically soft and bright.
Only thing that could possibly be omitted is the birds. They do seem a little out of place....
Other than that I really love this wallpaper...
*thumbs up*
amyamy Apr 25, 2005
even though i dunno what this anime is about XD i think it looks awesome haha.......
great job... gotta love wings!!!
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