
Kino no Tabi Wallpaper: A Journey Of Life

Kouhaku Kuroboshi, Kino no Tabi, Shishou (Kino No Tabi) Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

thanks to Tama's Kino flood I came up with this wall..
color, texture, tears and memories....
scan: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/102769/
my current desktop...
anyway I haven't done a wall with such a lower contrast before, so I thought i'll give it a go.
Tama what do you think?


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  1. Yina Apr 23, 2005

    wow.. it looks like an original art!! O__O I like the combination of the colours!! it's so simple. And the composition is great ^__^ excellent work. +fav ^^

  2. SaschaC Apr 23, 2005

    Cool wall dude... nice feeling on it, very peaceful, I love it... Fav+

  3. RaXiv Apr 23, 2005

    Very good very good... I may become a DernierCri "wannabe" this way. >.<

  4. sukie Apr 23, 2005

    wow...cute...love the scan...
    the bg is wanderful!!!!!!!
    keep it up!

  5. Rebel-Soul-Kaze Apr 23, 2005

    Funny im also thinking on making a wall using one of the scans of the Kino flood.

    Really different from your latest wall for the Battle Royale(i think is so different from all your other work).
    I like the texture and the whole feeling on the wall,beautiful,simple but beautiful (almost like the ones made by Tama-Neko).

  6. Holt Apr 23, 2005

    Nice and peaceful wall. Calming and simple colours.
    Nicely done.

  7. Skillzpay Apr 24, 2005

    Well this is different from your other texture walls but I don't know...the grainyness doesn't really seem to be that suitable for this, but that's just my personal taste though. Everything else looks great however.

  8. miraku-spike Apr 24, 2005

    Quote by YuunaChanwow.. it looks like an original art!! O__O I like the combination of the colours!! it's so simple. And the composition is great ^__^ excellent work. +fav ^^

    yup, it sure does!!!

  9. OracleAngel Retired Moderator Apr 24, 2005

    Simple, serene and beautiful in a sense...a real go away from what you usually do but it works all in favor! Nice job Bud! :)

  10. markjo Apr 24, 2005

    Now that's something more to my taste! I like the font you used - reminds me of old typewriting machines and at the same time suits this delicate feeling of a watercolour painting I get looking at this wallpaper.

  11. omni Apr 25, 2005

    If I gave favs to anything other than Amano-related art, I'd fav this... It's a very nice wall, very beautiful in it's own way. Kino no Tabi was a good subject for the feel of the wall, as well. I really don't have much else to say... maybe some text? But integrating text into a wall well is so difficult, every time I've tried, I've just done away with it. It's a really good job, though.

  12. Matsukaze Jun 08, 2005

    Very cute wallpaper. I like the colors
    Se te agradece compa!!!, buen trabajo

  13. skyeeee Oct 06, 2010

    Very cute wallpaper. I like the colors

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