
Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Wallpaper: : Peace * Love * Happiness :

Pink Hanamori, SynergySP, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, Rina Touin, Hanon Houshou Wallpaper
Pink Hanamori Mangaka SynergySP Studio Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Series Rina Touin Character Hanon Houshou Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

okay.. something new from me. lol. X)

I made this wallie a long while back *around the time when I join MT*. XP I was watching this aime earlier when they had this series was being fansubbed. *don't ask why I would be watching this anime.* XP

so what do you get when you put sailor moon and FMwS *all the bads parts of it* together! you get this anime. XD

ok whatever.. still it has its momments whatever that was. XP anyways, here ya go so enjoy. ^^

Originally I found this image from this a site awhile back but then MT got a cleaner more clear pic so I replace the old one if this now.
Theres about 67 layers of work. *even if it don't look like it* @_@

anything else i needed to mention?!? ok guess not, ad if there is, let me know. ^^ well hope you guys like it everyone for its Power of the Music.... XD yup yup... I'm singing to beat my foes and turn everyone all fruity and happy.. rofl.. XD

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  1. vanilla-h Apr 22, 2005

    Yeah... I heard about this series from my friend that went to Japan. She said it was so sweet and cute it will give you cavities.

    Anyways, nice wallpaper, very cute and colorful.

  2. DojiHiko Apr 22, 2005

    Ahhh.. Very very cute. Why were you wathcing this anime??? I can't believe it!!! Oh, what's the anime about anyways?

  3. KorganoS Apr 22, 2005

    Too sweet it will give you cavities XD roflmao.... what a fitting description... :)
    Nice work, really colourful and cute (looks a lot like Super Gals - Kotobuki Ran anime btw =P )

  4. Yina Apr 22, 2005

    ohh yees. I know what you mean.. all the cliches from sailor moon and fullmoon.. ahh.. it's just horrible.. X__X the wallie looks great^^ the composition and the scan are nice^^ I like the lights behind the girls^^

  5. meteorcloud Apr 22, 2005

    rofl rofl XD~!
    cute scans ^___^!~
    but......hmz...your old skills xD~!
    looks so .......not right to you =P~!
    keep walling ^_^

  6. Sugasuga Apr 22, 2005

    lol, is nutty consuming too much suga again?? XD cuz ur acting like it X_x shame on u XP anyways, well i think da bottom thing looks odd [wat r they standing on??] is it a stage? O_o well, anyways, dats all i hav ta say XD

  7. chisana Apr 22, 2005

    Oh, what's this? :D Very cute wallie! I saw the first episode ( half of it ^_^' ) but... well... not my type of anime, but I like it's art.
    Sweet and colorful wallie! peace, love happiness?? Fruity? Wah, too hyper!! XD
    Anyways, nice wallie, thanks for sharing it here :)

  8. slivermoon Apr 22, 2005

    this thing is scaring me >.<
    and its not b/c of u'r work
    those three are really scaring me x_x
    and it one of those evil things scary
    its one of those what-is-this?? scary
    well at least those lights in the bg looks nice x_x

  9. semanga Apr 22, 2005

    very nice work sweety the girls looks kawaii and u make a very cute wall XD like it a lot ^^

  10. Pikapika Apr 22, 2005

    haha frostiee, yup that anime is just creepie and scarie andand so so ekeee . *runs away* >_<

  11. Mordin Apr 22, 2005

    omg, too much sugar and cuteness in one wallie, you watch that anime lol well I can't blame you. :D Very nice texture and the bg color is wonderful suited for the girls. good job Frosty.

  12. bbls Apr 22, 2005

    totemo kawaii desu! i luv what you did in the background by combining flowers and the shadings of color. the scan is very cute and looks great! :)

  13. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Apr 22, 2005

    me hearts hearts heaaarrttss mmppp!! *-* especially kaaiitouu hunniiiee bunniiee~
    ^-^ the bg ish okay .... but me dunt think it really matches the characters .. xD
    butbutbut .. great jobuu~

  14. Athrun Apr 23, 2005

    Sweet, we rarely see any mmppp walls. Great to see a talented one to make a mmppp wall. :P

    Don't really like the text of this, but meh. GJ Frosty.

  15. Tatsuya Apr 23, 2005

    well, nice extraction! the background is simple but nice! good work

  16. Devilet Apr 23, 2005

    lol, how cute and funnnnyy XD
    hmm, shows your style still, haha, good work, thanks for sharing~

  17. miharu- Apr 23, 2005

    I like it. Its really, really happy! All of the girls are super Kawaii! Great job Frosty!! :nya:

  18. sylvacoer Apr 23, 2005

    Har - Sailor Moon on cotton candy as pop stars? (shudders, then falls out of her chair) Eurgh. As frightening as that thought is... this wall is very cute. (*~.^)

  19. Evanrued Apr 23, 2005

    lol Frosty. I really do like it. The scan you used. Very lovely. And the background you used, very fitting. Another lovely wall from you! keep it up!

  20. Kiako Apr 23, 2005

    the wallpaper looks nice but i dont know what to say about the background, the effects are nice but it isn't that suiting to the charas

  21. ShiroiLina Apr 23, 2005

    oh such a nice effect O.O
    i neva seen this anime.. but it seems actually cute O.O keep it up :D very nice wall :D

  22. blue-chan Apr 23, 2005

    wonderful job on your latest wallpaper frosty-sama. it looks really nice. I believe you have done a great job. look forward more of your wallpapers, thanks for sharing your work~ =^___^=

  23. CrabbyCandy Apr 23, 2005

    how cute! I like the nice colors and effects for your bg. The pics looks cute too. Great work! ^^

  24. DarkEVO Apr 24, 2005

    I never saw this anime before but I gotta admit Frosty, it is something new from you and it's good.

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