
Kingdom Hearts Wallpaper: the light in the dark

Square Enix, Kingdom Hearts, Kairi, Sora, Riku Wallpaper
Square Enix Studio Kingdom Hearts Game Kairi Character Sora Character Riku Character

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

i made this one as a prezzie for a very good friend of mine... who's like in love with kh... her screen's 1280x1024 so i had to tweak it a bit for submitting. it took me such a long time to erase the, err, disney charas but it was worth it...they kinda look out of place. o___O"

my friend seems to like it [i think] and i hope you guys like it too. i'm always welcome to comments!

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  1. Kiako Apr 22, 2005

    nice wall, i like it the scenary and all that^^ the moon looks great and i like the way the charas are lightened

  2. claza Apr 22, 2005

    *Puts as favourites...is too lazy to* Haha. thanks for making this again. I can't really tell the difference unless I put it beside mine soo.... dunnowhat else isdifferent cept for the text.

  3. acether Apr 27, 2005

    I like it!!! Isn't it kingdom hearts?! The black and blue and dark image is very nice. Plus, the moonlight is beautiful! What? You erased the disney charas? It doesn't look like it... ok, they're missing! Then, I must say that you've done a good job at modifying the image!

  4. kuroimisa Retired Moderator May 03, 2005

    I love it how the moon illuminates the characters so well.....@.@ All in a word : wow

  5. Krew Jul 14, 2005


  6. adventchildvii Jul 23, 2005

    Yay, you erased the disney chars, and it didnt look like u did either, background looks perfect. nice wall

  7. ScarXHeart Aug 07, 2005

    You what?!! I think this is perfect!! I always wanted a kingdom heart wallpaper without the disney characters in it. Even the background and the moon is perfect!!!

  8. Destiny001 Oct 24, 2005

    very nice background...

  9. moonrose Jan 24, 2006

    *-* I LOVE this! This is the best kh wallpaper I've seen! ^^

  10. Tigron Feb 19, 2007

    You should remake this with Roxas where Goofy would be and Namine where Donald would be.

  11. ZP999 Sep 05, 2010

    i like this pciture a lot

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