
Mahou Sensei Negima! Wallpaper: Negi & Kotaro Final Version

Ken Akamatsu, Mahou Sensei Negima!, Negi Springfield, Kotaro Inugami, Member Art Wallpaper
Ken Akamatsu Mangaka Mahou Sensei Negima! Series,OVA Negi Springfield Character Kotaro Inugami Character Member Art Source

1600x1200 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

This is the last version from the same wallpaper i have made T_T . And I will delete all previous version ^^. Please enjoy and give advice for a better wall next time....

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  1. Kiako Apr 22, 2005

    the wall looks nice, i lik ethe position of teh charas.
    ok. i'll give you an advice i don't know about the colors of the grass because there is one type of green and then another one followed by the first one and then the second one again, it just looks kind of strange so if you could explain why that is so....
    i mean it doesn't look bad it is just strange.
    and maybe the leaves on the trees could have a different size, you know a couple of this size and the couple of that size and it would look better.
    ok. i'll rather stop with the critique^^'

  2. bbls Apr 23, 2005

    great natural background...the trees are especially beautiful! great wallpaper! :)

  3. GabrielOkuno Banned Member May 05, 2005

    That Grass.... :D.. no words to describe it... i think im becoming gay hsduahsduhsadhausd..... kidding... Good wallpaper

  4. wasaru Banned Member May 20, 2005

    actually, negi is the one who blows the cloths off of her and keitaro is the one who walks in on girls if you've seen the other manga by ken akamatsu called love hina.

  5. fatalattacker09 Oct 29, 2009

    wow they sure is hot and rockin'

  6. union13 Apr 03, 2010

    muy buen anime y excelente aportacion, gracias :)

  7. marito55 Mute Member May 09, 2010

    whooo ^_^

    Thank you very much for your beautiful work

    Excellent I love this wallpaper:3

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