
Ragnarok Online Wallpaper: Ragnarok-Monk

Ragnarok Online, Monk (Ragnarok Online) Wallpaper

1024x768 Wallpaper

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Well its been a whole boring month that Im not online....sleeping and eating is the habit!....Well about this wallie I made this last march. I dont have time to go to MT this days have to find a job first before making more wallie here and other CSI stuff...... well hope you like my wall.....xixie

Next time I catch a Ripper I'll slash them into piecezezzz (A.K.A Dealy Sexy Sniper-CSI Minitokyo)

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  1. Mordin Apr 14, 2005

    hey Chi, haven't you in a while now, good luck with your job search. Great wallie, I really like the bg, it is very creative, the theme of space is great. The texture is smooth, and the color is very vivid. The blending is wonderful. great job Chi. :)

  2. Coordinator Apr 14, 2005

    Wooow ... Legnachi you did great job ^_^. Nice theme, I really like it.

    Also I want to wish you good luck with searching a job

    Take care!!!

  3. Kiako Apr 14, 2005

    great wallpaper, the effects with the colors are great adn so is teh position of the charas.

  4. Sakura0chan Apr 14, 2005

    Very nice wallpaper. I really like the background. It has cool effects. :)
    Keep up the good work!! ^___^

  5. Rella Apr 14, 2005

    Oh, how colorful! Well done with the outer space look. I like the colors and twirls. ^^

  6. Spriggan Apr 15, 2005

    pretty good job with that space and effects you did in the bg..can't really tell why..but it seems to match pretty well with the scan :) and its very colorful..anyway pretty wall Legnachi.

  7. Evanrued Apr 15, 2005

    That is a pretty wicked background! The colored swirls in each corner are a nice touch and very well done. I also really like the scan you chose. Very nice! Keep it up!

  8. walkure245 Apr 20, 2005

    A busy wallie~ I really like the space bg and the ripples in the corners. I have to agree. I don't know why but the bg and the monks blend in very well together. Also, the characters are really cool looking. Looks like they are ready to kick some butt~ XD Cool wallie!

  9. Tirdaelyn Apr 20, 2005

    Nice wallpaper, it is quite busy, but not overly so. I like it. The image is very clear, and the background is also quite cool. Nice job. ^^

  10. cerena Apr 20, 2005

    wow what a nice color of the effect. sorry for being late comment. it is great legnachi. i like the color of the bg. ^^ nice work

  11. chibi-lizard Apr 21, 2005

    chiiiii-chan !! so colorful XD
    lizzie likes those abstract circles :D
    but it'll be nicer if it's put underneath both of them and slant it slightly following the characters' position
    ~hee~ just a suggestion though ^_^'

  12. Kenryo Jun 21, 2005

    hey, great wallpaper nice effects.

  13. smooty Jul 17, 2005

    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *summon spirit sphere*
    *guilotine FIST*
    "Have a nice day, come again..."
    *blue pot**blue pot**blue pot**blue pot**blue pot**blue pot*
    I like monk char.
    I haved combo monk and its realy realy realy weak character, but its fun with him XD
    (sorry for my english... i'm just beginner)

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