
Planetarian Wallpaper: *The heart in the shell*

E-ji Komatsu, Key (Studio), Planetarian, Yumemi Hoshino Wallpaper
E-ji Komatsu Mangaka Key (Studio) Studio Planetarian Series,Visual Novel Yumemi Hoshino Character

1024x768 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

Here me is of return with my new creation "The heart in the Shell". That is it of a style different from my precedent wall and I thank for it Anji which my one can give the idea. It is by looking at Gunnm, that I wanted to make a wall with robots which cries and here resulted it.

PS: I excuse myself not to have come to say to you thank you, for the comment and fav which you have could make on my preceding wall and afflict to have to miss certain by your creation

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  1. L3g Apr 11, 2005

    this wallpaper is very beautifull!! but very strange !
    You're not depressive at least ?? :D

    Good job Dray !

  2. Kiako Apr 11, 2005

    nice wallpaper, the scenary is great i like the way the flowers there look.
    keep it up

  3. exelro Apr 11, 2005

    so sad....... T_T i don't like this feeling when i look this wallpaper . the girl and dark color on ground make me feel this .
    Great job dray .

  4. Kerox Apr 11, 2005

    Strange wall Dray :)
    Anyway, it's very beautiful but terribly sad !
    Good work !

  5. kai81220 Apr 11, 2005

    hai dray!! cette wall est tres bon! ^^ j'aime le grunge effet que tu applique. tres bein!
    ( my french is very bad ^_^')

  6. anji Apr 12, 2005

    I wrote this comment yesterday but the post never worked -_-
    Anyway there it is :

    Cool Dray! That's a nice wall.
    It really made me think of Gunnm when I saw it.
    It's a different style compare to your other wallie, but you did pretty well with it. :)
    i like the texture and the scan is well integrate.

    La seule chose que je vois que tu pourrais ajouter peut-etre, c'est un peu de couleurs dans la texture en general, car c'est un peu gris.
    Sinon c'est un tres beau wall.
    Tres cool ce nouveau style :)

  7. tenchigirl15 Apr 12, 2005

    awwwwww!! T_T it feels like I wanna pick her up and fix her. :) anyway great job with the BG!! *claps* :D

  8. Maxaks Apr 12, 2005

    Very cool, a bit sad but it's a really nice work :)

    (sry for my english ^^ )

  9. Ayamael Apr 13, 2005

    you looked at Gunnm?!! one of my fave mangas ^^ loll, and yeah, the robot girl looks really cool... i love the atmosphere of this wall... the general mood reminds a lot of Gunnm indeed... sadness, darkness and fatality but there's a little touch of hope with those little flowers... i love them in that wall... nice bg, nice blending... i love this wall actually... awesome work!!

  10. Lana3007 Apr 13, 2005

    Oh, that a really lovely wallpaper! Really sad though... the girl is really cute. It's a really interesting idea for the wallpaper too.
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. khatuido Apr 14, 2005

    hi Miss Dray,

    Ta faute je me pose des questions, est-ce humain de faire des wall si beau?? XP
    Non sans deconner, je connais pas cette série mais j'adore ce wall comme tous les tien d'ailleurs ;).
    Bravo, je suis vraiment impressionne !
    Je l'ajoute dans mes favs tout de suite ;)

  12. Spriggan Apr 15, 2005

    I know gunnm..but I can't remember seeing this image before..well , its truely nice..maybe my fav wall from you now :P the bg work is pretty cool and actually match quite nicely with the scan..and yes , that flower is a nice touch and addition to the dark ambiance left by the bg....anyway..sweet job Dray :D keep it up

  13. aram Banned Member Apr 28, 2005

    This wallpaper is very beautifull.its truely nice.
    Man anime dust daram,ama shuma sakht aks buzurg midahid.
    asab adam ra khurd mikunid.

  14. Electrastar Apr 30, 2005

    Very cool. I love the grey backround that I think, represents her sorrow and the plain flower that adds a little color to the mix. A very nice composition.

  15. gantas Banned Member May 01, 2005

    Oh no ..... .><'

  16. Fridzouille Jun 29, 2005

    rhoooo vas falloir que tu me file le scan du perso la.
    C'est vraiment superbe ^^

  17. eyeofthehawk Sep 22, 2005

    i dont know what to say im speachless this is such a good picture good job

  18. zazuge Aug 06, 2007

    U can't help but feel but sorry for this pur innocent cute android *fav*
    thanks for sharing this sadness -_-

  19. Akeval Sep 16, 2007

    man... that was a sad visual novel, great BG though... poor revvie.

  20. cheezdevil88 Dec 18, 2009

    dang what cute girls turn out to be

  21. kerohuixco Sep 28, 2010

    Maravillosa. Esto si es calidad de imagenes.


    Esta calidad y excelencia solo pocos lo hacen pero claro como se trata de dise

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