
Crossovers: Clampazar

CLAMP, Cardcaptor Sakura, Wish, X, CLAMP School Detectives
CLAMP Mangaka Cardcaptor Sakura Series Wish Series X Series CLAMP School Detectives Series


Not my scan, stolen from Kagaru's LiveJournal.
This is the front of Clamp's 15th Anniversary CD collection.

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  1. soryane Apr 30, 2005

    thanks for posting this beautiful scan !!! it's a wonderful family portrait ^^ nya @_@

  2. kai May 04, 2005

    omg.........I really want it now. That picture looks really cool. :) :D

  3. tobiast88 May 08, 2005

    Ah.. old-style clamp characters meet new-style clamp drawing technique... The clamp shool detectives look like they do in X, which is truly for the best, because as 6th or so graders ,they were just a little too kawaii fluffy. Excellent scan, as usual

  4. maihw May 10, 2005

    dis scan is amazing~! :p thanx for sharing it!

  5. silverdragon May 16, 2005

    so so so beautiful!!! OX I've never seen it before, thanx a lot for sharing :)

  6. ZKyoy May 22, 2005

    beautiful indeed. thanks for sharing! :D

  7. Usio Jul 08, 2005

    totally lovely!! clamp rocks at drawing! ^_^
    thanks for sharing it!

  8. dissa Jul 11, 2005

    OMG !! there's suoh and nokoru onthe pic, and that's.. wait.. is that kamui ?? gosh.. this pic is awesome!! nice work!!

  9. flyindreams Aug 03, 2005

    *Nods* Clamp with their best style. Everyone who didn't used to look so good (i.e. from their older works) all look really nice here *^.~* Thanks so much for sharing all thse wonderful Clamp scans!

  10. chii0103 Aug 11, 2005

    wEeeee.... its sO cuTe.. cLaMp grOup pic.. ^_^ chii~!! ^_^ animE's by cLAmp reaLLy's greaT.. ^_^ thanks fOR sharing.. :D

  11. getJosie4 Aug 13, 2005

    Clamp Pics are always great. They have so cute Characters! Kawaii!


  12. mahoe Aug 16, 2005

    More than excelent...
    A true tribute to CLAMP.
    Add to Favorites...

  13. TAM-Lisa Banned Member Aug 20, 2005

    Very very nice scan. I love it & added it to my favorite, too XD
    Thanks for sharing, Marissa-sama :D

  14. Graverobber Sep 21, 2005

    Hooray for clamp! I love their work, and seeing all their characters dressed up for a party is a neat idea. I'm also goign to say that Chii and Sakura are uber-pretty.

  15. eclipsegurl012 Oct 06, 2005

    Ooh. clamp characters! <3 I luv Clamp and their artwork so much. ^_^ LUV!

  16. Nani Mute Member Oct 08, 2005

    Thanks for sharing the cover of clampazar!!!!

    i was looking fot it everywhere!

    You're the best

  17. zenky Oct 20, 2005

    Quote by Usiototally lovely!! clamp rocks at drawing! ^_^thanks for sharing it!

    yeahh i love it... amazing scan.. *save* thanks for sharing

  18. Cress Oct 20, 2005

    gotta love clamp! they always produce such wonderful pieces =D thank you for sharing, tis lovely! ^_^

  19. annikins Oct 24, 2005

    I'm a big fan of Clamp artwork~ I've fave'd it. Thanks for sharing ^^

  20. CosmoStar Nov 19, 2005

    I really liked this! All charas are beautifully draw!
    But may I ask you what you meant with "Clampazar"? What does this mean?
    Thanks alot for sharing!

  21. aestalitz Nov 25, 2005

    Ah! I've been looking for a scan of this ever since seeing an image for it in an ad in one of my X manga books. Thank you soooo much!

  22. kucing Dec 23, 2005

    nice of you to stole that picture..hehe.. like it~~

  23. ParadiseSis Mar 05, 2006

    Cute scan ^_^
    I love Your scans from Clamp :*
    Thank You :-D
    Once again CUTE ! ^_^

  24. Lavycia Apr 08, 2007

    Woah! This is realy wonderful^^ Most of my favorite characters are in there::*

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