
X: Arashi x Sora

CLAMP, Madhouse, X, X [infinity], Arashi Kishuu
CLAMP Mangaka Madhouse Studio X Series X [infinity] Artbook Arashi Kishuu Character


Not my scan, stolen from Sasmira's Livejournal.
This is from X Infinity, this picture was used as the design for the X DVD Box for DVD's 5-8.

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  1. SeishiroXSubaru Jun 15, 2004

    Oooh, lovely!

  2. hidekeitaro Jul 05, 2004

    I like Arashi :nya:

  3. 6thChild Jul 11, 2004

    they make a great couple together. too sad, sorata had to die

  4. dax3 Aug 11, 2004

    nice images but it's red!!!

  5. naito Sep 15, 2004

    wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh XD

  6. RonWeasley Oct 27, 2004

    yeah, this rocks! i like sorata + arashi ^-----------^ !!

  7. HontoniKawaii Feb 23, 2005

    Oh!!!! what a CUTE image of Sorata & Arashi!!! I really LOVE this couple and I havent seen this image before!!!
    Thanx for sharing ^_______^

  8. Ying May 02, 2005

    I just love this image!!!
    Why didn't ADV use the same images on the US dvd's?? XO

  9. kilalamiko06 May 28, 2005

    I love these two together!! I hate though that they have such a sad story...especially in the movie! XO This was in general upsetting. But I do love them, especially how they look here. Its almost as if they're each under a spot light, like they're acting on a stage. Its very beautiful. Thank you! :D

  10. squid Jun 01, 2005

    Those two are really cute ^_^ It's so sad the way the movie ended, and even worse the way the anime did o_O sometimes I wonder about the sanity of clamp...

    Great scan!!

  11. wutianxu Oct 10, 2008

    What a couple, wanna see some more passionate pics of them

  12. xXMeiranXx Jan 03, 2009

    Awesome! they're such a nice couple! I love it

    merged: 01-03-2009 ~ 05:36am
    Oh, right! thanks for sharing XD

  13. AriaHime Feb 26, 2009

    They are my favorite couple in X except for Yuzuriha and Kusanagi. Thank you for sharing.

  14. MarcyM Sep 20, 2009

    thanks for sharing!

  15. momo88 Oct 27, 2009

    BEAUTIFUL *__*
    Sorata & Arashi... soulmates 4ever!

  16. firesign727 Nov 28, 2009

    I love these two! My favorite couple from X! Thank you for sharing!

  17. xallychanx Dec 05, 2009

    awesome picture!
    thank you for sharing :)

  18. lily888 Dec 29, 2009

    ui ui ui he noi chay nun iu wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwa

  19. fatimamanatiga Feb 22, 2010

    woooooooooowwww love it love it

    merged: 02-22-2010 ~ 01:57pm
    love the scan thanks thumbs up!

  20. akuma-hiwatari Mar 05, 2010

    i like this couple >w<
    Sorata and Arashi

  21. sakurabloms Apr 21, 2010

    i love them! i hope they get a happy ending!

  22. nadja041093 Apr 25, 2010

    the coloration is very interestning :D
    thx for sharring

  23. Klerion Mute Member Jul 20, 2010

    this scan is perfect) thnks for uploading it)

  24. SaeArara Aug 04, 2010

    whenever I see a picture of them I can't help but feel like crying. no matter how many Wonderland or TRCcameos these two makes, I can't forget that in the original story their fate is left incomplete... I can only hope that one day X will be completed.

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