Nice wall LastDinosaur! Keep this up and you won't be a noob no more! Just kiding! Just kiding! Adding to favs!
Artist Comment
One of the coolest KH pics I've ever seen, its blurry but still awesome. I can't wait til KH2 comes out.
Layers - 18
Time - Average
Tryed out some new effects on this one.
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MS0B9 Apr 09, 2005
amy Apr 09, 2005
This is a really good wall LastDinosaur.
I love the effects you used. It's dark but beautiful.
The blending is great.*gives you a thumbs up and faves it*
Kitizhi Apr 09, 2005
Really good job but I was just wondering, is that the offical name of KH2?
equinox01 Apr 09, 2005
Nice I like this did you et the cloaked figure from the promo image
studio Apr 09, 2005
Looks lovely. Colours are very prettee and the background is not bad. I luff it heaps! Keep it up. :D
Kiako Apr 09, 2005
it looks interesting, i like the effects, they are great.
i am looking forward to seeing more of your works -
CLAMPchic Apr 09, 2005
Whoa...that's kind creepy, in a cool way...I like it! The colors are awesome...good job, LD.
ryannzha Apr 09, 2005
Quote by Kiako....they are great. i am looking forward to seeing more of your works
me 2 ..!! this awesome theme u've chose..!! u'll be at my list of competitiorz.. !! cool..!! :o -
cereshe22 Apr 11, 2005
this pic is so cool! i like it thanks for sharing
add to faves! :) -
L3g Apr 11, 2005
Yeah I love this wallpaper ... it's so so ... dark
I loooove that!
good work man ! -
Youkai-hime Apr 12, 2005
phweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!=^____________^= thisone loves it and thinks its great.... i soo cannot wait for the game to come out...i have to know if the blindfolded one is really my dear, dear, Riku-kun or not.....
shinorei Apr 12, 2005
omg..omg..omg..omg..!! I saw the an AMV featuring this guy and I just fell in love with him! And out pop your wallie!! omg!!!! XD I can't believe myself! Thank you LD for sharing this wonderful work of yours. Not to worry, it's not that blurry..^.^
GunFinal Apr 12, 2005
Nice Wallpaper kh
i like it. I like Background.
I like he >_<. and I saw MV KH (Deep dive) I like he!! >_< -
ssgohan Apr 12, 2005
nice wallpaper, great background and the character looks so cool
same here i can't wait for the game to come out
thanks for sharing, adding this to my favs -
megahappyman Apr 13, 2005
What a beautiful wall u have made althought i dont know this game ;)
YugureKaze Apr 14, 2005
wahh! O.O
nice lookin' wall dino
it makes the shadows all around us seem alive in some way
sweet wall man!
it's even the right size to use for the comp at school.... -
Thienan Apr 20, 2005
Whoa I was just about to do something like this! But I see you would've done a better job :D You are so good!
musicangel Apr 21, 2005
this wall ir really cool!!! it looks a bit evil...i like evil...*MUWAHAHAHAAA*...oh sorry...
lain Apr 22, 2005
Very cool LastDinosaur.
It's a good job, cold colours, beatifull *_*
thanx for share -
Ikorus Apr 22, 2005
Wow!!!!!!!!!! Excellent wallpaper! Everything blends so well with everything... hehehe ^_^'
bucket-shot Apr 24, 2005
Hehe~ you're right, it's blurry. :) But they way you blended the effects covered it quite well - it looks like it's supposed to be that way. XD Hehehe~<3 Very nice work. Obviously, love the colours and the mood. You've maintained those from the original piccy nicely (haa.. these unknowns are just way too cool..).
I would've recommended doing something a little more to the text - eg. a vertical Wind effect (er.. assuming photoshop here ^_^') or something... but then again, simplicity is nice. :) And the only other thing I'll say is - there's a patch of random skin (i think?) at his neck that looks like it's just sticking out of the black. I'd filter/blend it in a bit more... or get rid of it altogether (it's not really necessary, after all.. ^_^').
Aaanyways! Enough of my rambling. XD Slick KH wall~<3 (the original kh is my favourite game so far) Nice job. *waits for KH2 like the rest of us..*
VagrantDreamer Apr 25, 2005
i dunno why i but this one caught my eye instantly XD love the effects too :D
Paolo Apr 25, 2005
not bad. all i can say is that KH2 is the baddest game of all xd... who is he?...
darkseal Apr 26, 2005
wow,nice and cool wall!!!kingdom heart 2 mysterious guy,nice.
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