
Hourglass of Summer Wallpaper: Easy Breezy

Murakami Suigun, Hourglass of Summer, Kaho Serizawa Wallpaper
Murakami Suigun Mangaka Hourglass of Summer Series,Visual Novel Kaho Serizawa Character

1280x1024 Wallpaper

Artist Comment

>.</ new wall from meeeee.. FIRST! want to thanks Saki for her help ^___^ and thanks to photoshop too xDDDD however.. hope ya like this wall.. ^^ it's for all my minitokyo friends ^^!
love the scan ** but the quality its not really good i know ^^" work hard on the bg..

layers= something like 50 XD
psd file= 25mb ._.
hour of work: 6 or 7 XD

i enjoy making the cloud *__* i want to give an impression of.. summer, wind and sweetness.. ><
about the three.. i know its not really beautiful.. XD but there is the wind and... u___u

XD well.. got to bed now.. and you... fav my wall >_> in the last time you are very rescricted with fav.. my last wallies.. T_T_T_T poor wallies XD (it's just me.. i'm not good with photoshop =_= don't mind)
Comments and suggestion are really appreciate ^_^ and.. about the thing i've say first.. just joke.. i dont want a fav that i dont deserve ^^ byez

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  1. tru-chan Apr 08, 2005

    Wow, Sam this is amazing! Very beautiful!
    Love the composition and well everything. XD
    Great work.

  2. ShiNN Apr 08, 2005

    I don't wanna sound mean or anything but you basically COPIED the concept of my wallpaper: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/99814/

    Same Character, the girl. The Bench. The wall. The trees and the birds. Really man, though it's well drawn it really sucks to be copied in every aspect -_-. Get your own ideas at last. -_-

    you even used a similar title... lol. -_-

    [Edit] I have a bit of time right now so I'll fully analize the wallpaper to show all the elemens that you ripped from my wallpaper:

    Ok so let's start over. This is my wallie: http://gallery.minitokyo.net/view/99814/ . Let's have a look at the elements:

    - Girl: ooo. Same girl from the anime. Well I guess that's ok, it's a different scan. very smart of you. Haha.

    - Bench: ooooo. yoo copied it! congratulations! Oh wait! You didn't draw it! jeez if I have to be ripped in concepts at last do it well please! haha.

    - Trees: TRIPLE OOO! Same exact perspective of the trees! Good job in ripping this one!

    - Wall: fourth! SAME PLASTER WALL! did you draw that at last or did you get a stock photo and slammed it on the wall? eh?

    - Leaves floating for the wind:hahaha. You copied this as well, and you put them right in front of the wall just like I did. hahaah good job on ripping those as well.

    -The sun placement: whoa, I didn't notice it but even the sun is in a similar position to mine. That's sad man, you know could have last made a sunset sky with the sun on the right to camouflage the rip. :)

    - the birds: white birds! Never seen them before! Oh wait I do have seen them, they're in my wallie as well.

    - The Title: ahaha similar title. Original eh? *delivers Nobel Prize to Samanosuke for most hilarious title rip"

    Conclusion: unless you are my freaking "unknown" twin/soulmate I consider this to be a pathethic attempt to rip someone's idea and concept. Not only this is an insult towards all the effort that I put to draw my work, it's frustrating and humiliating for me. If you have a bit good-sense in your brain I am expecting you to apologize for this and to retire this wallpaper from Minitokyo. Otherwise this basically means that you don't give a damn about other people effort and you don't pay even ONE BIT of respect towards an other artist.

    I excuse myself with everybody for this rant, but this is very irritating for me.

  3. Rella Apr 08, 2005

    How pretty again! The whole scene looks so beautiful. Great scan too, well done! ^^

  4. kai81220 Apr 08, 2005

    lol i kinda agree with shinn oO your walls similar to his ^^' its nice though and i like the idea but its like a fraternal twin of shinns wall, or the one where the twins are similar but not exactly alike. also the text might not be entirely appropriate for this wall....its too green..

  5. MasterPivot Apr 08, 2005

    It is sometimes hard to figure out where your work ends the the scans begin. That's how good your walls are.
    A wonderful look at summer, Samanosuke!

  6. AngelKate Apr 08, 2005

    Ohhh yes, very pretty!! It's similar to shinn's wall but that's ok, I still like it very much. :) + fave!

  7. NikaNeko Apr 08, 2005

    The scan is soo beautiful fit well with the great bg!
    Goes to my fav ^o^awesome job!

  8. onimakura Apr 08, 2005

    thats cute stuff : )

  9. ayanechan Apr 08, 2005

    gotta admit.. the wallie looks really similar to shinn's wallie :X but it's a job well done nonetheless.. :3 the sky looks great

  10. nekosasu Apr 08, 2005

    LOL I was like "wtf someone ripped ShiNN84s wall!!11oneoneone!1!eleven!1!zomgwtfbbqttylkthxbye" when I saw the thumbnail. It's not, but close. ShiNN also commented a few posts above, that it's the same character + idea, tree + leafs + bench + doves + etc... either it's a HUGE coincidence or ShiNN's idea got copied indeed. I don't know, so I won't judge. It's only that your wall might be prone to comparisons now.

    So, good things first: it's a nice wallpaper. You did a good work with the clouds, and the sun. I quite love that effect with the bright little points there. Umm... yeah. That's about all I like here.

    Now on to some critics, hope this will be taken positively:
    The tree looks a bit weird, it seems like there are lots of leafs that are like floating around the tree without being connected to it, you notice it most above the tree. Also, like the title says, it's a breeze, but somehow it looks like it's a violent storm that's taking so many leaves away...
    The scan is nicely extracted, but the part where it goes over the tree doesn't look clean at all, jaggy edges and stuff. Better extraction of that part or smoothening would have helped.
    Last thing is the perspective... I look up to the girl, but I'm still able to look down on the wall... Makes me a bit confused. The wall should have continued in the same direction as the bench, I'm sure that would have looked much better.

    Bleh so much critics... I hope you can bear with it. Also as I said, your wall is most likely to be compared to ShiNN's wall, and I unfortunately must say that yours is inferior to his by far. Attention! I didn't say that yours sucks, blows, etc. Nothing like that, it's still an enjoyable wallpaper, but it's only that you maybe should have spent more time on those details, 6 or 7 hours usually don't pay off much credit. But thanks for your work, keep improving! :)

    Take care :3 ~neko

  11. mirkoemir Apr 08, 2005

    This is a good wp Sam-san ... I like the light all around, and she is Kawaii XD

  12. shyxsakura Retired Moderator Apr 08, 2005

    thanks to him?

    >.< saki's a gurlll .. O.O;;

    xD xD ne nee~ .. yu didnt work on the sun or the scan .. xD naughty naughty xD

  13. UndyingShadow Apr 08, 2005

    wow beautiful wall! I like the nice bright colors, very timely for the spring time. nice scan use as well!

  14. Xiaoling Apr 08, 2005

    looks good and has a nice "summer-y" feel to it. :) the background fits the girl very well... you did a nice job. (it was worth all the hard work you did for the background) and like u said.. the scan is not very good..although i gotta say that it is barely noticeable ... it is a little bit blurred alright, but somehow it fits... XD

  15. chingetscook Apr 08, 2005

    Quote by Samanosuke89
    and you... fav my wall

    Who am I to refuse an order like that? ;)

    Nice work!

  16. Sira Apr 08, 2005

    Chicas asi quisiera conocer, frescas, elegantes, jovenes, cariƱosas , que les guste divertirse , sentir a la naturaleza, y encantadora que sepan, amar, todo eso se muestra en esta imagen

    En ingles

    Small he/she wanted this way to know, fresh, elegant, young, affectionate that they like to have a good time, to feel the nature, and enchantress that you/they know, to love, all that is shown in this image

  17. Electrastar Apr 08, 2005

    -sniff, sniff-
    I can smell the summer air breezing through her hair and the leaves as well. Very beautiful, a beautiful taste of summer, makes the rainy day here seems a whole lot brighter.

  18. Kiako Apr 08, 2005

    the wallpaper looks great, the girl is veyr beautiful and the background is nice too, i like th eway the sign looks.

  19. Nayako Apr 08, 2005

    Ohh...I see u did't need my help :D Anyway, very nice wallie - I would removed the leaves and left only the tree behind her but over all, this wallie is really, really good!!! XD

  20. wuschel Apr 08, 2005

    awww shinn this wallpaper :3 is a nice version 2 of ur other wallpaper, beautiful continuing and idea...

    i like the idea about the wall and the tree. also it fits all really good to the mood. only thing u should really clean the scan and extract a little better u can see the faults on her hair also the font color u used doesnt fit its so uglysh green but ^_^ nice volume2

    oh wait u arent shinn? damn what a nice coinsidence it looks like u are soulmates ^_~

  21. lensterknight Apr 08, 2005

    Without doubt, that's another beautiful piece of work. Although it's way too similar to ShiNN84's work.. in terms of atmosphere and colour scheme, I mean.

    But something about the text bothers me... that "e"? The shadow?

    Quote: XD well.. got to bed now.. and you... fav my wall >_> in the last time you are very rescricted with fav.. my last wallies..

    Welcome to the world of those who don't have a legion of mindless friends? XD

  22. euna Retired Moderator Apr 08, 2005

    not the best wall i've seen from you, but nice work!
    the tree need a bit more work and so does the sun..
    but i really like the buildings on the right ^___^
    they're just awesome...
    very nice.. keep up the great work!

  23. zaira Apr 08, 2005

    nice scan! cool bg! awesome wall! must add dis to my fav!! XD great wall!

  24. Yumi-Chan Apr 08, 2005

    Yeah I have to agree with others that this idea is alot similar to Shinn's wallpaper concept O_o
    Same anime category, same idea & the trees made me go "wow, looks like shinn's".. Maybe a coincidence? No? Hmm..
    Well back to the wallpaper, great work on it ^_^~ Especially the sky as well as the wall.
    Not such a bad wallie, just try not making the idea similar to other wallers ^__^;;..

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